The word HVAC is an abbreviation for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. The industry also includes refrigeration, water supply and sanitation, which all together aim to create comfortable and energy efficient indoor environment.

The industry employs thousands of professionals and more are needed – all the time. In fact, due to retirement and overall increase in labor demand there is actual shortage of manpower.

Choose a job that has an impact

Housing accounts for approximately 40 % of GHG emissions. Housing and building services like HVAC play an important role in achieving EU’s goal to decrease emissions. EU requires that all new buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings (“nZEB”) from 2021, and all buildings in general must be nearly zero-energy buildings by 2050.

There’s work for everyone

Are you looking to come and study in Finland?
After general upper secondary education, you can continue with vocational education and training in the field of technology. Qualifications in the field of Construction impart the competence required in the construction phase of buildings and infrastructures and the maintenance of the built-up environment.

For those who already have a qualification, or have gained skills and know-how through work, vocational education is mainly arranged as competence-based qualifications. Read more in

Bachelor’s and Master level studies in Finland

You can apply for most of the bachelor’s level studies conducted in English by universities of applied sciences (UAS). There are a few Bachelor’s level studies conducted in English in universities. Most programmes are conducted in Finnish or Swedish. Also master’s level studies are provided by both universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS). Read more in

Already living in Finland and looking for job that really matters?

Vocational upper secondary qualification in building maintenance technology, has competence areas are in ventilation fitting, refrigeration fitting, plumbing and heating equipment fitting. This programme also has qualification for Insulation and Construction Sheet-metal Installation. Studies are conducted in Finnish or Swedish.

Universities of applied sciences (UAS) provide bachelor’s level studies in building technology programme. You will then work as an engineering technician or as a foreman in building sites.

In Aalto University or Lappeenranta university of technology you can study for a Master level studies. Read more in

Find out more!

Davor Stjelja, M.Sc. (Eng.), Develops Granlund’s collection and utilization of ”big data”. Energy consumption, carbon footprint and user well-being are optimized when designing. (Video by MyTech)

Choose HVAC (video by